Saturday, September 16, 2017


I did it again



For my New Year’s resolution this year I have been working and praying hard that I would stop giving people blunt and unkind answers. In spite of everything, it seems I do this more than ever. Immediately I catch myself after it is done, but I need to catch myself before it is done.


This morning a knock on my door aroused me from my computer. I am expecting company and was disappointed when a man stood on my front porch instead. “You know who is your present area representative,” he asked, evidently handing me a card as he spoke. My first response was “What?” He pushed the card into my hand as he said “You can read it here on this card.” 


I said:  “Sir, I can’t read the card but I know who my representative is.


He said:  Does someone take you to vote?”


I answered:  “No worries, I do always vote.”


Poor guy at a loss for words said “Well you put this where somebody can read it for you so you can remember to vote and who to vote for.”


To which I bluntly answered:  “OH, I’m just blind, not dumb.”


Here I think I am writing a blog to help sighted people understand blindness and for us to yield to mistakes people make and help them understand. A man just left my door probably terribly embarrassed who may avoid blind people forever. Why didn’t I ask something intelligent like:  “Are you my representative?” Sometimes I really act dumb. So, all you sighted folks, give us more than one chance to prove we really are nice people … most of the time.