Thursday, November 24, 2016



I believe that the Jesus who loved me in my childhood when I did not know what a “sin” was is the same Jesus who loves me in my older age even though I have learned, and sometimes sin anyway.


I can no longer see the blooms open on my Christmas cactus and thought about it this morning. It still blooms whether anyone sees it or not. Then there are the times I crawl around on the floor looking for something dropped or clean up a spill and realize a smile from my knees is, like my cactus, seen somewhere.


If each kindness shown to me was represented by a light on my Christmas tree I’d need to light up every tree in every forest. I believe if everything I did for someone else was shining with a light it might be pretty dark.


Sometimes I plan to experiment by taking food I want to eat and don’t need and put it in a certain place just to see how long it would take me to make a week’s amount of meals for an entire family of four; four days? Three? Will I ever do it?


Today I passed by a tree filled with birds all making sounds like Alfred Hitchcock’s movie. Have you ever wondered what might remind someone of you?


What was that thing you meant to make a note about so you would not forget it?


This may not sound like a Thanksgiving poem, but wanted to be more subtle and hope we can look a little deeper, feel thanks more deeply, try harder, forgive longer, smile more, give freely, love better, and communicate with Jesus even when no one sees.