Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Everyday Blind Things


To  give a brief overview of some things you would never think about unless you are blind or partially sighted, spend a little time with me.  This is not meant to criticize, just to invite you into my world. 


Try to cross a street that does not have a light, depending totally on your ears while someone close by is mowing a lawn or using a leaf blower. 


Call to get through to a technical support for your computer.  Chances are that you won’t get past the prompt that says:  “Tell me what lights are blinking on your modem.”


Go into a totally crowded room and ask someone where you might find a seat and inevitably they will say something like:  “Right over there.”   Be sure you check out which way the seat is positioned because mistaking the back of the back for the front of the back can have some very interesting consequences. 


“Right over there” is the usual answer when you ask a clerk for directions, even if they are looking at, or secretly petting your guide dog.


Be prepared when you hand a clerk your money if you are with a friend.  Even as you stand there holding out your hand toward the cashier, that person will inevitably try to give your change to the one who is with you instead of you.


Know that people in restaurants  will look at your friend and say things like:  “Does she want some more water?”  or “May I pet her dog?”


I went outdoors to get my trash container from the street.  It was a bit cloudy.  I have some light perception and contrast vision, so it appeared that something white was in the middle of my yard.  On walking over to investigate I  found it was a paper towel dropped from the trash.  While searching out the paper towel somehow I had gotten turned around in the yard and found myself wandering around searching for the trash bin.  This large container is at least four feet tall, big and square, but green like the grass.  Finally I touched a trash bin only to hear my neighbor call from down the street that it was hers.  She came walking up to get it.

“How could you find that paper towel and miss the trashcan?” she asked.


I , a blind person, was at a furniture store promotion and registered for the door prize.  The crowd was growing, standing and waiting, hoping they might win.  I heard a soft collective “What?” sigh when I won the TV.


A friend told the story about getting on a city bus in Raleigh in about 1980 something.  He was feeling around for the place to drop in his money.  He found what appeared to be  a sloping sided area and dropped it in.  “You just ruined my “bleep” coffee!” the bus driver growled.


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