Monday, May 19, 2014

Nothing but the Truth

Tucked away on a high closet shelf in my house is a rather thick notebook of poetry which begins with a poem that says:  “I always write about me, and I only write when I am depressed.”  From time to time when nothing seems to be going my way, I retrieve this manuscript of what I refer to as “stumbles” in hopes that it will clear the cobwebs of my most current situation.  So far everything I have posted on my blog has been fun or explanation.  However, I am no different from anyone else who can struggle with the complications of just walking through life.  If I had a dollar for all the times people have called me “stubborn,” I wouldn't have to be searching for a job today. 

But here I sit tonight, no prospects of a job and wondering what is next.  The sweet thing is, however, I don’t need to go get that notebook down from it's place on that high shelf, not because I am too lazy to get out the ladder, but because I have stumbled so many times it has become obvious that each time takes me closer to higher goals, if I just keep on walking. 

It would be fun to stop and preach a Joel Olsteen sermon right now, but hopefully I just did.  I would not have come this far if God hadn't given me that stubborn will to keep me going.  I would like to reassure everyone that blindness is not one of my depression poems; its just a part of who I am, not the whole.

What inspired this little confession?  Nothing special; I just never mean to come across as superficial.  Through my “stumbles” I have just learned not to take myself too seriously when I mess up and try to give a little grace to those who do.  If I don’t always do it well, I can be sure that another chance to do it better is right around the corner.


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