Thursday, May 22, 2014



The question asked of me most often is:  “What do you miss seeing?”

Actually, I don’t miss “not” seeing very much at all—
Until I run to find the right bus in the rain

Or attend an action packed movie and have to ask later:
“What was all that about anyway?”

Some things I would enjoy seeing:

All the colors of the rainbow;
Not just splatted down on cheap dime store cardboard,
But taken from the heart of the artist and laid gently onto the canvas—
The way God places it in the clouds.

Smile lines on the face of my daughter;
Whiskers on my son’s chin;
Myself in the mirror … I think.

Dirt on someone else’s kitchen floor.
Shapes of the leaves on trees over a half a block away.
All the red words in the Bible.

The next thing most often asked of me is how well I see?

How well do I see you?

Your words speak as lights that say “Step up” or “down”,
“Go left”, “turn right.”

The mood of your speech traces smiles or frowns;
Sometimes hardly visible but never hidden.

Your trivial expressions paint my colors,
From cherry red “hello’s” to silver-toned “good-byes.”

Your oral tones clear my view;
They uncover wrinkles or reveal unblemished youth.

Your bodies appear to me as outlines;
I see forms of your faces;

But don’t wear so much make-up
For your voices are my pictures.

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