Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Where’s the Elevator

It was Vivi’s and my very first solo trip to the mall.  While the trainer was here we had learned several important places, where the elevator was, where the food court and Chic Filet was, a few department stores and the bathroom.  With a happy dog in hand and a confident handler, off we went.  We walked impressively through the courtyard and into the mall, Vivi stopping at the handles of each door for me to open to go inside.  I gave her the command for forward, and then right/right  which means for her to check out the next place to turn right and do so.  She did.  Again I knew in about 10 steps to give the right/right command again, which she did.  I then gave her the over left command and told her to “find the elevator”  which should have taken us to the elevator; it didn’t.  I had given that command too soon.    We wound up in a dark cove.  So, I was going to give the command of right about and then forward,  but a lady caught me by the arm in a hard grip and said:  “You were almost at the elevator, let me help you.” 


“Thank you so much, but I need us to be able to find it so we will know exactly where it is every time,” I said.  She reluctantly let go of my arm.  Vivi and I went back to the doors out of the mall and started all over.  This time we ended up in the food court.  On the next try, back to the food court with a very happy wagging tail.  ON the next try another wagging tail in the food court with a dog hoping to vacuum all the crumbs off the floor.  Back to the doors out of the mall we went.  Giving the correct commands, Vivi took me to the elevator five times in a row.  The next time we got to the elevator I informed Vivi that I really wanted to go to the food court. 


Actually I took the elevator up and then back down again before we went on to the food.  I had taught her to find Chic-FilA which she did, only, to my dismay, I learned they don’t serve breakfast at that mall at Chic-filA.  I did search my memory and recalled the trainer taking me around the food court venues so Vivi and I traveled down the row until I heard voices.  Yea!  McDonald’s!


I must add that Vivi found the elevator from there, Belks upstairs, Dillards, Barnes and Noble, and the upstairs elevator when we were ready to go home.  I had two shopping bags that needed a weight lifter to carry, a purse as big as half of Texas, with Vivi’s leash and harness in my other hand.  It took some creative acrobatics to push the button down.    I do not know what possessed me to stop at Starbucks.  Now I had the bags, the purse, the dog and coffee.  Slowly, which is not Vivi’s speed at all, we backed out the doors onto the courtyard again, where Vivi found us a table with empty chairs.  After finishing my coffee and Vivi finding the trashcan, I decided one more time to “find the elevator.”   Bingo!  She’s got it now and I won’t have to give her as many commands to do it next time. 

It was a very successful trip although I came home as tired as midnight and Vivi wanted to play fetch. 

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