Thursday, March 27, 2014

Throwback Thursday from Journal



I am very proud of my son, Kevin, who is a computer guru and works at SAS Institute.   

This is an email correspondence we shared years ago which I copied off into paragraph form to keep.


From my son on November 17, 2004

>>> "Kevin DeBruhl" <kdebruhl@ … November 17, 2004

> “Hey 'Rents,

> That's lang for Parents, of course!  Anyway, Tonya says I'm supposed to

> let you both know every time I sneeze, so here it is.  I'm home again

> with a cold.  Stopped up and coughing today.  Not much to report.  So

> when she asks have I told you.... I have.”


My answer November 17, 2004

>”Did you sneeze more than once?  Is your fever above 100?  Did you cough too?  Does your tummy hurt?  Do you have a headache, body aches, new lumps or bumps?  Are you able to "read?"  Are you "reading" too much?  Is your nose running?  Your teeth chattering?  your throat scratchy?  Are your eyes red instead of blue?  Your tongue blue instead of pink? 

If you have ALL of the above, go to the Emergency Room; by the time they see you,  you will be well.>


Otherwise, take two or more Tylenol and know you are loved and call me if neither works.”>


Answer from Kevin November 17, 2004

“I want some of whatever YOU'RE taking!!!”


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