Saturday, August 29, 2015




Saturday, August 22,

Christi and I sat on my patio during a stressful time. The music of a cicada choir seemed to sing  from God to both our hearts as we stayed there experiencing His peace.

The two dogs I had been dog sitting for four days went home.


Sunday, August 23

Coffee on my patio on a cool morning as the street in back of me that usually plays traffic noise is still asleep.

Hearing my soon to be ninety-five-year-old mom answer her phone after she was not sure where her bed was last night.

Walking with Vivi through a peaceful neighborhood at twilight to a cricket lullaby.


Monday, August 24

Seeing a special friend I had not seen in twenty-five years!

Vivi and I visiting three classes and once more identifying with the energy, excitement, and fun that only nine-year-old’s can know.


Tuesday, August 25

Being invited by some new friends to dinner and being treated as though I were someone special.

Playing music with them and feeling their bond of marriage wrap the music we played with love.


Wednesday, August 26

Praying that Vivi wouldn’t freak out at the vet like she usually does, then watching her wag her tail as though it were a picnic.

Actually being able to hear and understand the person building my Subway sandwich without standing in line looking confused, wondering who they were speaking to.

Pay day!


Thursday, August 27.

The Dept. of Revenue called and said I owed them over five hundred dollars from my 2014 taxes. Since I had trouble with the people who filled out my 2013, taxes I shrank inside feeling like the bug I smushed with my front door last week. After calls to the bank, records faxed, etc. and a prayer of desperation, I called and some intelligent being answered, recognized that the company put the wrong SSN on the tax forms and fixed it instantly!

Watching Kevin understand paperwork that makes me crazy.

Watching Vivi and her best doggy friend, Stella Mae, enjoying life, not knowing anything about so much meanness going on in the world.


Friday, August 28,

Praying “Help!” as I stepped on the scales; losing the pound I gained last week.

Sitting outside singing to the birds, neighbors, and mostly Jesus, knowing He hears.


Even though this is not designed to be my pulpit, there are times I must speak of Jesus; not the Jesus who was just a profit, not the New Age Jesus who changes with and like the political climate, but the bible Jesus who speaks of loving your neighbor, and full of grace and truth, who is LOVE, peace on earth good will to men, never meaning for it to be only at Christmas.



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