Thursday, November 12, 2015



I was sitting in front of the TV. Suddenly I heard a very loud boom from inside my house. It sounded like the glass on my front door had splintered in some places and something was falling from the ceiling. The only thought that crossed my mind was a gunshot. The second thing that crossed my mind was that since there were roofing people working on the town homes that some equipment had blown up. I was afraid to move but ran with Vivi into the bedroom so I could get out the back door if I needed to. I immediately hit the button and told Siri to call 911. Suddenly I felt very vulnerable, very afraid, and very blind. I was telling the lady the proper information and had calmed down just a little … and.  Then I realized I also smelled something. It smelled a little like a rotten egg. Realization hit me as I opened the bedroom door, walked to the kitchen because I remembered I had forgotten all about putting two eggs on to boil for the chicken salad I was going to make for dinner. “OH please please please don’t send anybody! My neighbors already expect me to be weird!” I begged the 911 operator, as I started to explain the situation. She started laughing. Talk about having egg on your face. Thank goodness I only put two eggs in that pot. I found most of one of the eggs on the stove, black shell and all. I couldn’t find the other one so I did what I always do when I’m in a pinch, called Christi. We found the other egg … on the pop corn type ceiling, on the light fixture, the refrigerator, stove, trash can, cabinets, tops of picture frames, anything and everything that was in the kitchen and then some. That egg really did blow up into a million pieces, like large grains of salt only water did not make it melt one bit. Probably I will continue to find egg grains in hidden places we missed, but then, I guess that’s one way to get help to get my kitchen cleaned.

Now, in case any of you just are waiting on the edge of your seat wondering if I ever made the chicken salad? No. I put that chicken back in the fridge and ate cereal for dinner.

I realize that twenty years ago I’d have probably done something else stupid when I heard the big bang like walk out my front door to see if anyone was outside, or gone into my kitchen and felt around to see if something like the sky had fallen.

Now, surely I must tell you what I was watching on TV that I was concentrating on so much that I forgot about the eggs? “Dr. Phil!”  Yes, Dr. Phil had the lady on who had poured Drain-O in her eyes so she could become blind. I truly pray she gets the help she needs to find the truth.

Today however it concerns me just a little as I wonder if the S in Seventy means senile; then I have to laugh as I think a closer fit would be Silly. Nothing on TV is worth all that.


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