Sunday, January 17, 2016


Sometimes I do find myself wanting to tell the whole world about the little tiny incidences God moves into my heart and keeps it together, …  things like yesterday? I took Vivi out, couldn't find what she had done so came back in only to realize I had to wash my shoes, and I was planning to give her a bath. I was amazed at how that just didn't bother me. Then I could not find the shampoo, but finally did, only to realize I couldn't get the shower head down like it is supposed to come so I could work better with it. After a while and finally realizing I was going to make myself fall I decided we'd do it in the tub. for the first time ever Vivi hopped in the tub like she really wanted a bath; thank God. Usually I have to pick up her 55 pounds. And all of that does not even include such a silly thing as dropping an empty soda bottle on the kitchen floor and not being able to find it. Once upon a time I could have seen it, but this time it required a prayer which God quickly answered. And oh how I could go on and on and on forever. We all have little frustrations that pop in and out of our heart so quickly we almost forget to say "thank you" to our precious Jesus when they are over. I am overwhelmed, overcome, and tearfully humbled by the blessings God has poured all over me! Letting go of this life seems so difficult, yet as it falls away bit by bit my spiritual hands can't raise high enough!  These moments of God's presence seem rare at times until we pick up a day, look at it and ask:  Where did I see Jesus today? It always amazes me when things that should frustrate me don't, and things that shouldn't, do. It's only when I walk constantly remembering who gives me the air to breathe that I realize the eternal joy of God that wraps my life up in His grace and makes my paths straight.



Saturday, January 2, 2016




Stay with me till the end; there’s a real point, honest.

It’s Saturday, January 2, 2016, and here I sit inside on the first sunny day we have had in weeks, seems like months. So, what kinds of things can I find to get into inside my own house while I recuperate from this pneumonia?

It was Sunday when, as I re-examined my Christmas gifts, I tried to tell my body it was not getting sick. It was Monday when what little vision I have was so blurred I kept finding myself running into walls and then not knowing which wall I had run into. So, I stood there and coughed while I tried to figure it out. There are about fifteen doctors in my health care group but none could see me until Wednesday morning. Since it was raining, raining, raining, it didn’t seem right to ask somebody to get out in the wetness and take me to an urgent care center. So, on Tuesday morning feeling like my body had been thrown under a bus I called again and found one of the PA’s in my doctor’s office had a cancellation and Christi took me over there. After chest x-rays, and Armed with seventy plus dollars of medication, I came home, took as much of anything that I could and hoped for a good night’s sleep. I am still hoping.

What a spoiled child I can be, realizing I have been in my house from last Sunday until today without seeing anyone for more than a few minutes at a time. Poor Vivi never complained or whined, but every time it looked like somebody might stop and come in she went running, tail wagging to the door.

On Thursday my friend Mary came over and picked up Vivi for a follow-up appointment to the vet for me. Vivi doesn’t like going to the vet but she was so glad to get out of the house she didn’t even fuss when she realized that was where she was going. Mary brought her back with a good report.

I realized Thursday night I had been taking the night time cold medicine in the day and vice versa; honestly, it doesn’t seem to make much difference.

How sweet it was to get texts from some of my family and friends New Year’s Eve, and many friends who offered prayers for me on facebook posts.

This week I have read three books, two of them really good, undressed the Christmas tree, packed up the Christmas decorations, and who knows, I might even vacuum before tomorrow.

Today I feel better, even washed a load of clothes which might stay in the dryer until next week. I lost my cool, couldn’t stand it another minute and Vivi and I dashed out into the sunshine. Surely a quick walk around the block would be good for me! We did just fine until coming home I stepped in some mud that was as slippery as ice. If Vivi hadn’t bumped against me pushing me to the other side …  I have a vision of myself sitting in the middle of a mini mud slide calling 9 1 1  and my family yelling at me for going out.

Now, hopefully I will get a little cleaning done soon, but no chemicals as it would send my cough into a brand new place.

Still, I hope soon someone who can see how to get the tree in its cover will come over. Isn’t it interesting how the tree with its beautiful lights looks so out of place when the season is over? I cannot carry it to the shed so it will be here until someone rescues it.

Mail? O goodness! It is three inches high, honest. I do hope someone can help me with that pretty soon also or I may find myself one day sitting in the cold with no internet!

I put my pictures back where the Christmas decorations used to be, but it is very likely some may be sideways or upside down.

It’s the little blind things sometimes that can be annoying, walls popping up in places you didn’t think they should be, not being able to take yourself or your dog to the doctor, taking medicines at the wrong times of the day, can’t put away the Christmas tree, dropping a pill on the floor, (didn’t mention that one), or, how many ways can we find to “fall in the mud?”

What you do is sum up the sweet things:  Sunny days, Christmas gifts, money to pay for the medications, texts, calls, and especially prayers from family and friends, a beautiful white dog that thinks you hung the moon, someone to take you or your dog  to the doctor, finding the pill you dropped on the kitchen floor, good books; God’s healing touch!